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Overlapping RNA changes in the blood and brain were associated with many of the clinical signs of the disease.

Fibrolamellar carcinoma not only hinders the body's ammonia consumption but also produces ammonia, a finding with sweeping implications for treating this cancer—and the study of ammonia metabolism.

The findings raise tantalizing possibilities for revealing what hundreds of ant odorant receptors are up to.

The algorithm, dubbed SCRuB, can distinguish native bacteria and viruses from contaminants—a powerful tool for researchers working with the microbiome.

The labs of Ali Brivanlou and Charles M. Rice collaborated to refine a cell culture technology platform that grows genetically identical lung buds from human embryonic stem cells.

The human reference genome has always been a remarkable but flawed tool. A new "pangenome" aims to correct its oversights and omissions.

Research shed light on the process by which the γ-Tubulin Ring Complex stabilizes microtubules, which may inform the study of developmental diseases and cancers.

A new paper describes how choline is transported into the cell, with potentially sweeping implications for the study of rare diseases.

The study is the first to identify a damage response pathway that is distinct from but parallel to the classical pathway triggered by pathogens.

Damaged gums may release bacteria into the bloodstream that trigger arthritis flare-ups, potentially explaining why people with gum disease don't respond as well to arthritis treatments.